Visualize More Profit
Custom Wall Previews Will Help You Show, Sell and Deliver
Now when you order Wall Displays and Custom Arrangements Online, you can upload your own interior for the Wall Preview! Whether it's your home, studio, or client's space, you'll be able to accurately demonstrate your work in its final display, even before you click "Add to Cart". Scroll through a few quick and easy steps that will lead you to the upsell.
After you've gotten a picture of the wall space you're looking to fill...
Step 1
Navigate to your Online Ordering product catalog of choice. Sign in, and click "Wall Preview" in the bottom right corner. Click on "Your Rooms", and upload your interior.
Step 2
After you've uploaded your file, you are given some simple instructions on how to set the scale. Simply enter the width of an object in the room, fill in the room description, and click "Save with new measurements".
Step 3
Let the fun begin! Start creating your Wall Display or Custom Arrangement by selecting your print size(s) and options, then dragging and dropping your image(s) into your display. For more steps on creating Custom Arrangements, visit this page. Once your display is completed, click "Wall Preview Options" in the lower right corner, and select "Share Preview".
Step 4
You'll receive a shareable link that you can pass along to your clients for approval before ordering. The link will take you to the preview image, which you can also download and share on social media (don't forget to tag us!). You have the option to view a list of all your beautiful wall previews from this window.
Step 5
Place your order, and keep watching your sales grow!
We hope you enjoy this new feature in Online Ordering.
Tell us in the comments how YOU visualize Custom Wall Previews improving your workflow!
Images by:
dBatista, Amy Dawnelle