January 2021 News, Tips and Spotlights
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The year 2020 will go down in history for many reasons, but it's time to rebuild the photography industry with a fresh outlook. Professional Photographers everywhere have worked so hard to build their businesses. We want you to know that we've remained committed to being your partner in photography along the way, through providing the best quality photo products. We've been busy in the last year, innovating new product options that we hope will help serve your clients, and intuitive software tools to help your business. Let's recap...
Hi shansen, Sorry to hear this, but we appreciate your feedback. When you order Calendars Online, you can choose the first day you'd like to start each week on. Here is a link to a video tutorial for reference: https://youtu.be/LE-mYTtc9NY. We will forward your comment about the full page template format for consideration on our end. Thanks!
Not happy with any of your calendar formats. Saturday and Sunday belong on opposite sides of the grid. You need a full page ,edge to edge landscape format. Get with it !